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Type what you need, and let the AI find the right supplier for you.

What's Soource?

Power your sourcing with one platform: fueled by the most accurate data on millions of companies. Profile and select suppliers through a massive and automated email flow

What can you do with Soource?

We guarantee access to a vast global database, automating the massive collection of supplier information with a reliable plug-and-play solution. Through bulk email sending, advanced AI, and fast integrations, Soource optimizes and accelerates the purchasing process, allowing you to maintain qualified suppliers, archive offer history, and map the market.

Type what you need and find new suppliers

Start mass email scouting and automated selection

Collect and analyze multiple quotes with AI

The future of sourcing is here

Learn how Soource simplifies your sourcing process, allowing you to optimize costs and time, improve efficiency, and ensure you find the right supplier for your needs

Minimize costs

Always find the best solution on the market by comparing a wide pool of suppliers.

Keep track

Always access the communications and offers received via email, which are neatly organized on Soource.


Reduce sourcing and supplier selection time, thanks to AI-based automatizations.

Take informed decisions

Decide which suppliers to rely on after exploring the market quickly and systematically with Soource.

Reduce risks

Expand your supplier base to always have backup suppliers and reduce the risk of dependency on a few.

Find what you need

Rely on Soource to select suppliers for all your purchases, whether direct or indirect, for both products and services.​

Set it up in just 5 minutes

Discover the ease of stress-free sourcing.


average savings

off the market price


success rate

in finding what you need


days on average

to identify the ideal supplier

Choose the best plan for you.



10% saving


25% saving



Searches: 10/month
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  • Searches: 10/month
  • Access to Soource Database
  • Limited results: 10/search
  • Suppliers export: 10/month



Unlimited searches
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  • Unlimited searches
  • 1 user
  • Access to Soource Database
  • Unlimited results per search
  • Suppliers export: 1.000/month



AI to analyze emails
Unlimited searches
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Everything in the Pro plan, plus:

  • 2 additional users
  • AI-driven email writing
  • Outgoing emails: 5.000/month
  • Automatic response analysis
  • Collection and analysis of quotations.
  • Summary dashboards
  • Multi-user interface



Let's customize your ideal plan
Get in touchLearn more

Everything in the Business plan, plus:

  • Customized number of users
  • Outgoing emails: customized
  • Suppliers export: customized
  • RFQ and RFI exports: customized
  • Export of profiled supplier lists: customized
  • Optimization of your current supplier list
  • ERP and Procurement Suite integration
  • Dedicated Project Manager

About us


“The Procurement ha scelto di inserire SOOURCE nella TP Techmap, una mappa delle soluzioni ad alto contenuto tecnologico suddivise in 10 Application area, elaborata con il contributo di 15 esperti professionisti nel campo del digital procurement, nella sezione Benchmarking and Spend Management. Abbiamo apprezzato di questa startup italiana, il modo di rivoluzionare il sourcing tradizionale automatizzando la scoperta dei fornitori e le tradizionali negoziazioni via email. Grazie all’utilizzo dell’intelligenza artificiale, permette scouting e negoziazioni con fornitori a livello italiano, aiutando le aziende a trovare i migliori processi al mondo. La soluzione è stata particolarmente apprezzata dalla nostra community di CPO e Supply chain manager durante la partecipazione all’italian Digital Procurement Summit 2023.”

The Procurement Team

Vuoi saperne di più?

Do you have questions about Soource? Do you want to share your challenges with us? We’d be happy to hear from you!